Livros de Feng Shui
Já está disponível a versão Photobook do Segundo Livro de Feng Shui!
Assim como o Qi está presente no Estudo do Feng Shui, as pessoas estão se contagiando com a energia da leitura dos livros.
Seguem alguns comentários da última versão do livro em inglês:
One of the five arts of Chinese metaphysics, feng shui is a practice of harmonizing the natural energy found in the environment and has been used historically to position buildings. When translated to English, feng shui literally means “wind-water.” In architecture, feng shui is discussed as invisible forces that bind the universe, earth and humanity together as Qi, which roughly means vital energy. Feng shui has become a way of life for Alexander (Alex) and Pauline Ho (…), por College of Agriculture And Natural Resources & College of Social Science
I just finished reading your book. It’s impressive to see how many “coincidences” of Feng shui recommendation’s and success or failure in life you listed on it. No question energy (QI) around us may impact our lives positively or negatively depending on timing, mood and many others things surroundings us (…), por F.P.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading your new book. I read through it in one sitting. The interweaving of principles of Feng Shui and locations where you have visited and lived (are living) is particularly effective and intriguing. Combing your autobiography with the course of how you learned to appreciate Feng Shui renders the book with a very intimate validation of the notions inherent in Feng Shui (…), por J.
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